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          瀏覽次數:次      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-12-18       發(fā)布人:喻敏
          Adriana Lima May Be Leaving Victoria's Secret: "I Will Not Take My Clothes Off Anymore.
          Adriana Lima has made a big career decision. The Victoria's Secret model announced on Instagram that she will no longer take off her clothes "for a empty cause."
          "I had received a call for the possibility of filming a sexy video of me to be posted and shared in social media," she wrote, describing the incident that led to her change of heart.
          "Even though I have done many of this type, something had changed in me, when a friend approached me to share that she was unhappy with her body, then it made me think...that everyday in my life, I wake up thinking, how do I look? ”
          “Was I going to be accepted in my job? And in that moment I realized that majority of woman probably wake up every morning trying to fit in a stereotype that society/social media/fashion etc imposed."
          "I thought that's not a way of living and beyond that...that's not physically and mentally healthy, so I decided to make that change," she wrote. "I will not take of my clothes anymore for a empty cause."
          We'll have to wait and see if Lima continues to walk the runway as an Angel or if she's hanging up her wings for good.


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